Thursday, April 13, 2006

Getting to Fatherhood

[Please interpret from my often narrow male perspective. This is not a direct commentary on any women in my life past or present – ie, ex-wife, my child, associated children, current “partner”.]

Struck me after reviewing my last post (and some direct feedback) that actually I had left something out (chronologically at least) in moving from sport into the Fatherhood blog (and ultimately the parent blog).

So let me retrace my steps for a moment (there are some insights here I think into various characters, including me, who feature – now and in future).

Today a lot of children are born out of wedlock and this is not viewed, by many, as a significant issue. However, some people still view marriage as a sign of commitment and they often do this prior to the birth of any child.

In reality marriage, given divorce/relationship breakdown statistics, is not a precursor to or indeed a success factor for, parenting (or fatherhood). There is more than enough evidence to suggest that great marriages can have bad parents associated within them or successfully married men/women can be crap fathers/mothers/parents.

Frankly based on my personal experience, success here is not related to gender, marriage or indeed relationship to another adult – it hinges on your relationship with the child (having others around particularly other adults simply serves to support/complicate this as the case may be).

With respect “adults” relationships are always tricky. What is an appropriate level of commitment? How is it demonstrated? Is not cheating/being faithful enough or is marriage required to demonstrate “true” commitment?

In my case, I was a typical youngish male (my assessment) who was not prepared to commit at the time (at least verbally) and I still have “issues” with this. Yet I was (and still am), as indicated previously serially monogamous.

After Karen and I worked together and then “lived together” – ie moving backwards and forwards between the respective houses of our parents - we eventually became a “couple” living together in our own place. This typically, is the first sign (at least for many women/men?) of true relationship commitment (ie, means house leases, shared space – bathrooms, joint music collections, shared financial concerns etc).

Karen and I eventually got our own place. Our moving history over time turned out to be extensive (and deserving perhaps of its own separate blog like the car analogy – where/what you live in helps define you – but let’s see).

I can’t be exact about which was the first property in the chain or when (think it was a small flat in Wembley) but suffice to say we eventually made the first step.

Now keep this in mind – I met Karen at work (and then quit to go to uni).The person in her life before me was a long term beau (training to be a doctor who appeared to have “real” prospects).

Just like any women, men often have an internal clock running. I had my own little biological clock running and I had declared internally (and to my family) I would not marry before I was 25 at least.

Story 1 (others later?)

I recall getting spewed on before getting married and nearly crashing out of a window as a result. How did this happen? Single Bed, crap Greek food and staying at home for a night (after moving out).

Karen was violently ill (food poisoning no doubt) following a night at a Greek restaurant. Wake up from deep sleep (I was pissed no doubt) with vomit raining down on chest – I kid you not (yuk). Wake up, bounce out of bed and go for door – big mistake! Not in our new place but at my parents home (door = window). Fortunately, there is bookshelf in way but disoriented bounce around room to find door. Ended up in shower, cleaning both of us up. Was it funny – not at time but most relationships will have a spew story. Might amuse some of the readers however.

Marriage Proposal – every marriage has to have one. Some are memorable, some are truly forgettable, some are very public, but most are private. Notwithstanding this, like having a baby, how do most people actually get there?

My case – left up to me I would probably never have proposed (like I would never have had children). This says more about me – than any other character you will read about in this blog.

To be completely truthful I really can’t remember the proposal – that’s how memorable it was for me. My recollection is that it went something like this. Karen - we need to get married or I am going to leave as (my clock is ticking and) I need a commitment – ie if you don’t agree we will split up. Jeff - OK let’s get married (it was late and this was the easy response at the time). Obviously this is the easy path. Is it the “right” path. Personally. I don’t think so.

[Note for all who follow - BIG MISTAKE for all parties – my view. ] Everyone needs to make own call. Advice – tough decisions up front have significantly less downside later.

Did my reticence to commit mean I was not in “love” – please define this term for me - or “committed” to Karen or indeed a long term relationship? In my opinion – NO. I was there, I was not cheating and I was happy to go forward on that basis (and by the way I was not really thinking about children – my own or those of anyone else). Was my “capitulation” a true commitment (in retrospect – I think not).

Boys/men - you need to take into account the most significant clock in the world – the biological clock – is ticking in the Garden of Eden. It won't matter if you are in complete denial, have your head up you’re A… or elsewhere. The clock is ticking you will almost certainly be confronted by the commitment challenge at sometime – if you don’t meet this challenge I suspect you will live a life completely bereft of meaningful female companionship (or you will fail the “how do I know you are gay test”).

After the commitment to marriage you are required (generally) to deliver on your promise. Remember I said generally – I know at least one male who has been engaged for at least 12 years to the same women (a record in my world at least) and who is still not married.

My Case – the planning for the marriage began immediately after the proposal (fish on hook?). Given the circumstances – no ring when proposal was made. This is often the first challenge both financially and from a design perspective. (advice – plan for wedding, eternity and double eternity components – you will certainly be asked to recommit)

The wedding planning process is either easy or a real challenge. In some instances it’s a relationship breaking (immediately or in longer term) event. In our case it was challenging but not immediately relationship breaking.

In Australia, the concept of arranged marriage (and an associated relationship – commercial/strategic – at a family level) is quite rare. Notwithstanding this there will undoubtedly be challenges in arranging a wedding. Following is my list of challenges:

· The weddees – (you and your partner) generally are at a stage in your life when you can’t afford to fund a wedding in your own right – and therefore in a position to tell everyone else to FO. This may not apply to 2nd/3rd marriages – recalcitrant’s or slow learners?
· The Parents generally have a lot of residual favours to repay, hence all of the “family blow-ins” you don’t know and never met who get to turn up on your “special day” (and drop their trousers etc). As a soon to be married person – the guest list is likely to be your first real challenge as a negotiator [here’s my final offer to “our” kids – you choose the list anytime/anywhere we pay. Well at least for the ladder – take it or leave it]
· Generally, the second major challenge will be who gets to put crap on you via the speeches (and for how long – that is before they piss off your family - who paid for dinner/drinks - and all of your respective mates).
· You and your potential partner will undoubtedly not agree on the guest list and more specifically their location at the reception (some of her girlfriends undoubtedly suck – in some instances you may be among the chosen ones; and some of your mates really are “Burley” – oily and good fish attractors - and thus not front row candidates)
· The cost of the event itself – girls (my experience) spend more – dress, shoes, bag, make up …. Boy = new shoes, Suit (then flowers/presents for everyone else).
· Where, when, music etc will also be an issue

So what was our Wedding experience?

· The pre-wedding was interesting. Essentially I had no long-term mates (I know this says more about me than anyone else). My best man on the day (S Green) was a football colleague. We were close in boy terms - we played in same teams, roomed together in Asia – I slept in lift lobby so he could be alone with girl (that’s real commitment)) – but I have never seen/heard from him since wedding. I kid you not.
· Preparing for the Wedding – bit like first child experience. S had flat near wedding location. Arrive, suit ready to go, new shoes, flowers for lapel etc. Shower, dress, bend to tie up shoes – split suit pant (no joke). S is bachelor, only pin in house is thumbtack – where does one stick one of these? Spent remainder of wedding with cheeks clenched together and legs crossed
· The wedding ceremony – fantastic. Bride looks stunning. Setting is fabulous (University of WA Grounds behind Hackett Hall)

the garden where it happened - nothing has changed

Photos taken here

This is hackett hall. i had my graduation photos taken here as well

· The reception – OK. Reception hall is now a hospital (heart surgery I think – ironic? Your call)
· Honeymoon – unmemorable (my fault I suspect).

Overall, a wholly forgettable event. I loved Karen but I could well have done this without the formality.

Following marriage we “settled” into our relationship/domestic life. Babies came later.

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